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bokeh blur blur bokeh bright 220067One of many great free stock photos from Pexels This photo is about shining sparkle sparkling bokeh blur id p blur bokeh background 9nblggh532xzThen blur bokeh background is an ultimate blur photo editor to do so FEATURES Choose the photo to be blurred from the gallery or take a snap using the camera option Easily zoom in or zoom out Blur intensity can be adjusted based on the size of the blur effect Use the bokeh effects option to choose from a variety of amazing bokeh
to create bokeh background Making the Bokeh blur Now we want to create a soft blurred background but we want to really enhance this bokeh in the background that comes from the lens and that gives it that really nice romantic look bokeh blur to blur background photoshop Bokeh in combination with field blur creates stunning depth of field in photographs Field blur produces a generalized blurring of background elements but bokeh is especially popular for its characteristic circles of confusion or renderings of unfocused light belfot 6 tips membuat foto bokeh dahsyatLensa tele 200mm dengan aperture sangat lebar f2 menghasilkan foto bokeh yang sangat lembut Belajar Fotografi sudah mengulas secara dasar mengenai apa itu foto bokeh dan bagaimana cara menghasilkannya Sekedar mengulang secara singkat bokeh pada intinya adalah ukuran kualitas blur yang membuat obyek terpisah dari background nya
is bokehBasically bokeh is the quality of out of focus or blurry parts of the image rendered by a camera lens it is NOT the blur itself or the amount of blur in the foreground or the background of a subject bokeh blur belfot 6 tips membuat foto bokeh dahsyatLensa tele 200mm dengan aperture sangat lebar f2 menghasilkan foto bokeh yang sangat lembut Belajar Fotografi sudah mengulas secara dasar mengenai apa itu foto bokeh dan bagaimana cara menghasilkannya Sekedar mengulang secara singkat bokeh pada intinya adalah ukuran kualitas blur yang membuat obyek terpisah dari background nya to view on Bing6 4720 02 2013 In this Photoshop tutorial I will be using Photoshop Cs5 to demonstrate how to create an awesome Bokeh Blur effect in Photoshop using the lens blur filter SUBSCRIBE on Youtube Author Justin OdishoViews 168K
bokeh blur Gallery
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natural background with bokeh stock image 2506785, image source: www.featurepics.com
pink blue stars bokeh as background 33362297, image source: www.dreamstime.com
warm colors wallpaper 34536 35313 hd wallpapers, image source: hdwallsource.com
iphone 8 colors 1024x452, image source: www.freebrowsinglink.com
coarse smoke atmospheric effect real dust particles_ekbhwnk7l__F0006, image source: www.videoblocks.com
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photo 1495839760557 d150d64b4469?ixlib=rb 0, image source: unsplash.com
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