iphone x landscape mode Question Q Landscape mode for iPhone X I asked this question before but it was too early and no one could answer it Now that some of you have the iPhone ten with the screen rotation unlocked will the home page rotate to landscape like the plus models do iphone x landscape mode landscape homescreen on 23 09 2017 Many apps support landscape yeah but it s the size classes that matter In landscape the iPhone 6 6s 7 8 Plus use the Regular size class for the device width but the iPhone X uses the Compact size class hence the bigger display
enable control center when your iphone x Open an app that supports landscape mode in this case we re opening up the built in Photos app Rotate your iPhone into the horizontal landscape mode to get the app to rotate as well Swipe down close to the upper right corner of the horizontal display to activate Control Center Note Swipe left or right in Control Center to access all of the controls including any of the optional iphone x landscape mode x plus landscape modeDespite its 5 8 inch display the current model iPhone X does not support iPad like landscape mode throughout the operating system but rather only supports limited app interfaces in landscape mode iphone x s14 09 2017 Most iPhone X users will use the phone in portrait mode for the vast majority of tasks so the notch likely won t be an issue outside of viewing photos and video or playing games
iPhone X isn t as wide as a plus model phone but is wider than the regular 4 7 inch models so can someone please tell me does the iPhone X iphone x landscape mode iphone x s14 09 2017 Most iPhone X users will use the phone in portrait mode for the vast majority of tasks so the notch likely won t be an issue outside of viewing photos and video or playing games I have an iPhone 6 plus and I like that the home screen will rotate when I turn my phone to the side I am planning on getting the iPhone X and would like to know if it has landscape mode like the plus versions
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