bokeh 2 y axis figure kwargs source Create a new Figure for plotting Figure objects have many glyph methods that can be used to draw vectorized graphical glyphs bokeh 2 y axis two y axis similar to the matplotlib ax set navigate False command possible Here is a minimal example using ipython notebook from bokeh plotting import figure from bokeh models import LinearAxis Range1d
the code below an extra y axis is created and placed on the right side of the figure The x3 and y3 data are plotted against the y axis on the right side of the figure instead of the normal left side bokeh 2 y axis s the bokeh way of setting axis limits I 2 but the axis limits are still 1 3 If this is the expected behavior then maybe I should rephrase my question to how do I rescale the figure such that the x axis only runs from 1 to 2 hafen github io rbokehThe rbokeh package is written and maintained by Ryan Hafen hafenstats Note that using your scroll wheel over the x or y axis activates a zoom in the dimension of the axis you are hovered over Axes Bokeh allows you to specify numeric categorical and date time axes In the case of numeric axes you can also specify a log scale
ver Bokeh 0 8 2 When an attempt is made to plot multiple y axis on a plot undesirable scaling is observed on default y axis The default y axis s scale tries to match up to largest value range among multiple y axis being plotted bokeh 2 y axis hafen github io rbokehThe rbokeh package is written and maintained by Ryan Hafen hafenstats Note that using your scroll wheel over the x or y axis activates a zoom in the dimension of the axis you are hovered over Axes Bokeh allows you to specify numeric categorical and date time axes In the case of numeric axes you can also specify a log scale axesHow to make a graph with multiple axes in python
bokeh 2 y axis Gallery
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