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Subaru Forester is a station wagon based compact crossover SUV manufactured since 1997 by Subaru Available in Japan from 1997 the Forester shares its platform with the Impreza It has been awarded Motor Trend s 2009 and 2014 SUV of the Year and The Car Connection s Best Car To Buy 2014 Body style 5 door Small SUVManufacturer Subaru CorporationClass Compact crossover SUVProduction 1997 presentFirst generation SF Second generation Third generation SH forester foresteradventure082250001098 hubungi whatsapp sms panggilan untuk pemesanan lebih cepat foresteradventure add line kami untuk pemesanan lebih cepat foresteradventure11 gmail hubungi kami lewat email id priceprice Subaru Forester 8139Forester dilengkapi dengan banyak bahan metal dan plastik pada tampilan luarnya sehingga menampilkan kombinasi tampilan yang unik Fitur standar pada Subaru Forester mencakup koneksi Bluetooth dan USB kamera untuk parkir 4 sistem audio speaker 4 1 5 32
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