bokeh explained photography bokeh b o k e BOH kay Japanese is the aesthetic quality of the blur produced in the out of focus parts of an image produced by a lens Bokeh has been defined as the way the lens renders out of focus points of light Differences in lens aberrations and aperture shape cause some lens designs to blur the image in a way Origin Bokeh and lens design Emulation Other applications bokeh explained is not how far something is out of focus bokeh is the character of whatever blur is there Unfortunately good bokeh doesn t happen automatically in lens design Perfect lenses render out of focus points of light as circles with sharp edges
bokeh18 01 2016 The other thing feeding the bokeh obsession is the fact that the human eye due to its excellent depth of field does a poor job creating the kind of bokeh many viewers like to see in photographs or motion pictures Reviews 98Author Todd Vorenkamp bokeh explained film review 22 03 2017 In the press notes the writer directors explain that bokeh is a photographic term for the part of a photo that s out of focus the artful background that helps define the foreground In explained 11772716 07 2004 better than focusing on the word bokeh you should merely keep in mind that different lens designs have many subjective qualities apart from mere resolving power and even resolving power is better described as a subjective effect having more to do with microcontrast edge acutance than rendition of fine structures
course bokeh explainedBokeh is a word that s often heard on the lips of photographers usually with a descriptive adjective like smooth or soft attached to it The word has its origins in Japan where the word boke refers to the kind of blur that appears in out of focus areas in photos Boke aji more specifically bokeh explained explained 11772716 07 2004 better than focusing on the word bokeh you should merely keep in mind that different lens designs have many subjective qualities apart from mere resolving power and even resolving power is better described as a subjective effect having more to do with microcontrast edge acutance than rendition of fine structures 201724 03 2017 Bokeh is intimate expansive storytelling from people who can do a lot with two actors and an empty city And though it s not primarily a relationship movie its delicate story does hammer home one thing in particular that relationships are living organisms that must endure the most unpredictable of circumstances 3 5Author Nick Allen
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