forest ecology and management ecology and managementForest Ecology and Management publishes scientific articles linking forest ecology with forest management focusing on the application of biological ecological and social knowledge to the management and conservation of plantations and natural forests forest ecology and management ecology and managementRead the latest articles of Forest Ecology and Management at ScienceDirect Elsevier s leading platform of peer reviewed scholarly literature
mdpi journal forests sections Ecology ManagementForests an international peer reviewed Open Access journal forest ecology and management cifor publications pdf files articles AGuariguata1101 pdf PDF filetropical forest management for the production of goods and services as a conservation tool Dickinson et al 1996 and also attempted to determine the environmental impacts of implement Published in Forest Ecology and Management 2012Authors Luciana Porterbolland Edward A Ellis Manuel R Guariguata Isabel Ruizmallen Si Affiliation Universidad Veracruzana Center For International Forestry Research Autonomous U About Community forestry Deforestation Qualitative comparative analysis Meta analysis Ecology and Management is an international peer reviewed journal that publishes articles linking forest ecology with the management of forest resources The journal publishes research manuscripts that report results of original research review articles and book reviews Publisher Elsevier Netherlands Impact factor 2015 2 826Publication history 1977 presentFrequency Semimonthly
1127 Forest Ecology and Forest Ecology and Management publishes scientific articles concerned with forest management and conservation and in particular the application of biological ecological and social knowledge to forest ecology and management Ecology and Management is an international peer reviewed journal that publishes articles linking forest ecology with the management of forest resources The journal publishes research manuscripts that report results of original research review articles and book reviews Publisher Elsevier Netherlands Impact factor 2015 2 826Publication history 1977 presentFrequency Semimonthly fao 3 a i4895e pdf PDF filechange in forest area and type volume biomass and carbon stocking measures of sustainable forest management biodiversity and conservation soil and water protective functions wood production and a number of socio economic variables
forest ecology and management Gallery
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