bokeh p.legend.location of the legend in a Bokeh plot Ask Question up vote 19 down vote favorite 6 Does anyone know how to carry the legend in bokeh outside of the graph The only manipulation I could do was to choose a position among As of Bokeh 0 12 4 it is possible to position legends outside the central plot area Here is a short example bokeh p.legend.location assistance come ask the Bokeh mailing list or join the chat on Gitter For feature requests please provide a detailed description or proposal of the new capability or behavior For feature requests please provide a detailed description or proposal of the new capability or behavior
PDF filePython For Data Science Cheat Sheet Bokeh Learn Bokeh Interactively at DataCamp taught by Bryan Van de Ven core contributor Plotting With Bokeh DataCamp Learn Python for Data Science Interactively bokeh p.legend.location gis processes github io L5 advanced bokeh htmlAdvanced plotting with Bokeh In this part we see how it is possible to visualize any kind of geometries normal geometries Multi geometries in Bokeh and add a legend into the map which is one of the key elements of a good map to set bokeh legend fontJoin Stack Overflow to learn share knowledge and build your career
import numpy as np from bokeh plotting import figure show output file x np linspace 0 4 np pi 100 y np sin x output bokeh p.legend.location to set bokeh legend fontJoin Stack Overflow to learn share knowledge and build your career datacamp community s3 amazonaws f9511cf4 abb9 PDF filePython For Data Science Cheat Sheet Bokeh Learn Bokeh Interactively at DataCamp taught by Bryan Van de Ven core contributor Plotting With Bokeh DataCamp Learn Python for Data Science Interactively
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v2 5a14a78623c46ee8e27b77883b8980da_r, image source: zhuanlan.zhihu.com
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