bokeh curdoc is the purpose of curdocSo whenever a Bokeh app session is created i e whenever a user opens a URL to a bokeh app on a Bokeh server a new blank Document is created for it and the app code is run where the new Document for that session is available as curdoc bokeh curdoc capability to synchronize between python and the browser is the main purpose of the Bokeh Server The simple example below embedded import partial from random import random from threading import Thread import time from bokeh models import ColumnDataSource from bokeh plotting import curdoc figure from tornado import gen
Web Plotting for Python Contribute to bokeh bokeh development by creating an account on GitHub bokeh curdoc following are 8 code examples for showing how to use bokeh plotting curdoc They are extracted from open source Python projects You can vote up the examples you like or vote down the exmaples you don t like opensource telkomspeedy Bokeh Server Coba pakai curdocCannot push session document because we failed to connect to the server to start the server try the bokeh serve command File session py line 269 in push raise IOError Cannot push session document because we failed to connect to the server to start the server try the bokeh serve command Traceback most recent call last
add root The bokeh application below is intended to generate a random dataset when the button is pushed I am trying to serve the app using the bokeh client style where there is one session that may be shared between simultaneous viewers If I include the line curdoc add root column p button the plot will not be in the browser I get a blank bokeh curdoc opensource telkomspeedy Bokeh Server Coba pakai curdocCannot push session document because we failed to connect to the server to start the server try the bokeh serve command File session py line 269 in push raise IOError Cannot push session document because we failed to connect to the server to start the server try the bokeh serve command Traceback most recent call last on the button results in ModelChanged messages being sent out but the plot itself does not change The root cause is that all filter models do not connect any signals effectively they re just passive containers
bokeh curdoc Gallery
30447137 f7b98462 993f 11e7 9251 0fef7eeaa497, image source: github.com
1*EZqrBx tkvxYIyXgWzmbKw, image source: medium.com
0Fkhe, image source: stackoverflow.com
noninteractive, image source: www.dataiku.com
uJYQp, image source: stackoverflow.com
lb7x8, image source: stackoverflow.com
ObzFI, image source: stackoverflow.com
rQwdx, image source: stackoverflow.com
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