![ANACONDANAVIGATOR MOCKUP 02](https://www.anaconda.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/ANACONDANAVIGATOR-MOCKUP-02.png)
bokeh jupyterlab There is a directory named test cases which contains a collection of notebooks that cover the various jupyterlab bokeh functionalities If you update the extension for new JupyterLab releases please manually execute each bokeh jupyterlab 0 13 0 jupyterlab bokeh 0 5 0 jupyterlab 0 32 1 jupyter core 4 4 0 jupyter client 5 2 3 Copy link Quote reply tiagopereira commented Aug 1 2018
There is a directory named test cases which contains a collection of notebooks that cover the various jupyterlab bokeh functionalities If you update the extension for new JupyterLab releases please manually execute each bokeh jupyterlab codehamster 2017 09 23 install bokehInstall nodejs conda install c conda forge nodejs install jupyter lab conda install c conda forge jupyterlab not showing in jupyter notebookThere is no technical path to simultaneously supporting both the new JupyterLab and classic notebook versions older than 5 0 at all Supporting JupyterLab is an imperative so as of recently Bokeh can only support classic notebook 5 0 and newer
0 12 9jupyter labextension install jupyterlab bokeh From your command line Here s a screen cap of Bokeh JLab in action The extension supports standalone plots and embedded Bokeh server applications Updating plots via bokeh io push notebook is not yet supported in JupyterLab but will be soon bokeh jupyterlab not showing in jupyter notebookThere is no technical path to simultaneously supporting both the new JupyterLab and classic notebook versions older than 5 0 at all Supporting JupyterLab is an imperative so as of recently Bokeh can only support classic notebook 5 0 and newer brianray 7981 jupyterlab first impressions e6d JupyterLab first impressions I m not new to the Python evolution from the c Python shell to IPython to IPython notebooks to Jupyter and now keeping a close eye on JupyterLab an IDE
bokeh jupyterlab Gallery
ANACONDANAVIGATOR MOCKUP 02, image source: www.continuum.io
notebook_comms5, image source: bokeh.pydata.org
reaching the full potential of a datadriven world with anaconda 27 638, image source: es.slideshare.net
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