mountain dew cake 5 5 84 Steps 4Servings 24Total Time 1 hr mountain dew cake dew cakeWith your mixer combine the cake mix the MOuntain Dew the eggs and the vegetable oil Mix on low for 30 seconds and then turn speed up to medium and continue mixing for 2 minutes Pour cake batter into prepared pan and bake 45 minutes until cake is set
dew cake 20302002 01 2007 Combine cake mix oil water Mountain Dew eggs and pudding mix Pour into pan and bake for 50 60 minutes For glaze Combine butter Mountain Dew and sugar in a saucepan Cook until mixture coats spoon Pour over cake while in pan Let cool completely before removing from pan 5 5 1 Category DessertServings 12Total Time 1 hr 20 mins mountain dew cake dew cake thebigredpot blogspot 2010 01 paula deens mountain dew cake html21 01 2010 A glaze made of Mountain Dew melted butter and confectioner sugar makes this cake even better Warm the ingredients poke holes In the cake and pour the sauce over the still warm cake Author The Big Red Pot Serving Up More Than Just A Good Meal
dew cake 39109621 09 2009 Watch on your Apple TV Roku or Fire TV and your iOS Fire or Android device This is a very easy yet delicious bundt cake that needs only a dusting of powdered sugar on top if desired I made this for Easter a couple of years ago and EVERYONE loved it It is requested that I make for various 5 5 3 Category DessertServings 1Total Time 1 hr 5 mins mountain dew cake thebigredpot blogspot 2010 01 paula deens mountain dew cake html21 01 2010 A glaze made of Mountain Dew melted butter and confectioner sugar makes this cake even better Warm the ingredients poke holes In the cake and pour the sauce over the still warm cake Author The Big Red Pot Serving Up More Than Just A Good Meal Dew Cake75067 shtmlA 5 star recipe for Mountain Dew Cake made with lemon cake mix lemon or vanilla instant pudding mix oil eggs lemon lime or citrus A 5 star recipe for Mountain Dew Cake made with lemon cake 5 5 5 Total Time 45 minsServings 10Calories 330 per serving
mountain dew cake Gallery
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